Brandon & Rachel Cutrer
Mr. V8 51/6 (S)
Stored at Elgin Breeding Servie
Mr. V8 51/6 is a scurred son of +Mr. V8 901/4. Deceased in 2013, he was a very deep bodied, a very aggressive breeder, with a moderate frame. All things we love about 51/6.
In Australia, he was used widely by the Deguara’s and Bartolo’s, and recently by Fenech Brahmans.
By purchasing this semen and checking out online, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in the online store and at https://shopbrcutrer.com/pages/terms-of-service-semen-policy.
Mr. V8 51/6 is a scurred son of +Mr. V8 901/4. Deceased in 2013, he was a very deep bodied, a very aggressive breeder, with a moderate frame. All things we love about 51/6.
In Australia, he was used widely by the Deguara’s and Bartolo’s, and recently by Fenech Brahmans.
Sire: +Mr. V8 901/4
Dam: +Miss V8 98/6
By purchasing this semen and checking out online, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in the online store and at https://shopbrcutrer.com/pages/terms-of-service-semen-policy.